secrets in the shadow by anne schraff | Teen Ink

secrets in the shadow by anne schraff

November 20, 2014
By Anonymous

Secrets in the Shadows/Anne Schraff
Townsend Press, 2002, 126pp.
      Roylin Bailey is a normal guy, but can you imagine living in a nightmare that’s your entire fault. Caught in a web of lies and threats he desperate need a way out.

Roylin Bailey a normal boy in a high school who likes a new girl Korie Archer in his History class at Bluford High School. When he started to know her he wanted to do everything for her. He said he would do anything for her she wanted a neckless that was expense. When Roylin was young he had Mr. Miller who was old friend of Roylin he would go over his house mostly all the time when Roylin came over the old man was sleep and Roylin wanted to use some money so he stole it. The manger Tuttle lies to him saying that the old man had died so Roylin can fill bad and do all Tuttle work for him so he don’t got to do it. When Steve Morris so called stole his girl Roylin tried to fight Steve but it didn’t work so as Roylin can’t think straight he calls his friend Cooper cause he got a lot  on his mind and need to talk to someone.
Secrets in the Shadow are in third person omniscient as he say that …”he felt like a ticking time bomb, ready to blow.” When I picked the book up I couldn’t put it down I was off the edge of my seat to see what’s going happen next. This book got different themes in the book Understanding, Love, Trust, Friends, and Pain.

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