The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

November 20, 2014
By onlyry_ BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
onlyry_ BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"i know what you are capable of, but are you willing to do it?"
-Mike Tomlin
Pittsburgh Steelers Head Coach

The Fault in Our Stars / John Green
Speak, 2014, 313 pages
Young-Adult Fiction

Ever met that special somebody before?  Somebody who you care for?  Somebody who you can connect with? Then all of a sudden you feel that person fade away? Worst feeling in the world, right? 

Hazel Grace is a teenager who is diagnosed with cancer. Her parents made her attend a support group to talk about her feelings and get the stress off.  She doesn’t care for the group, but luckily, she has her best friend that goes by the name of Isaac.  She meets his best friend, Augustus Waters and she ends up having feelings for him. When they meet they have this sweet love connection that could never be broken. They fall in love and walk in the rest of their journey together!

I believe the author’s message is that love is for everybody. Cancer no cancer, disability no disability it doesn’t matter. Love is infinite and it shall always be infinite. Why? Because Hazel and Augustus display that obviously even though they both have a chance of their life ending because of cancer and they still fight for it for love. “But, Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn't trade it for the world. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful.” Hazel says to Augustus.  It’s a very emotional feeling to have for a special love connection like that! Chapter 6 in the book displays that perfectly. This chapter really reaches out to me since it’s the one thing that reached out to me emotionally.

To conclude this review, this book was phenomenal! Friendship and young love all wrapped into one! When I finished the book, it left me in awe! The big moments, the little moments all are still wonderful in its own little ways. I love the way the author wrote the chapters with so many strengths! When I reached the ending of the book, I actually cried and I’m not that emotional especially when it comes to certain things like this. In other words, bravo Mr. John Green!

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