Among the hidden book reveiw by haddix | Teen Ink

Among the hidden book reveiw by haddix

November 7, 2014
By cole vanderrkolk BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
cole vanderrkolk BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book among the hidden is a book in a series that is about third children that are not allowed to live. Why? Because of the food shortage in the United States there is famine and lots of dying and they think the more kids the less food.

The story among the hidden starts with a boy named Luke Garner who is very curios. Luke unfortunately is a third child so all his life he has had to stay in his attic and hidden. He was allowed to go outside and hang out with his brothers in the woods, but one day the city called and said that they were making new developments so they said that the pigs they raised had a terrible smell and they had to get rid of them and there cutting the forest down so Luke is not allowed to go outside anymore…

Luke stares out the windows for the many months watching the houses being built. Many months later when the houses are done Luke sees a house with two boys and one day he also discovers a girl’s face in the corner of the window amazed Luke is absolutely stunned it was another third child!!! Luke watches for another couple weeks and one dare he dares to go and see her. One day when everyone was at work or school Luke ventures to the house and the back door is open he enters being afraid the girl attacks him he tells her he’s another third child she stops and stares at Luke. A couple weeks later Luke has met the girl she says her name is Jen and shows Luke many different things like junk food TV and good furniture.

Many months later Jen says she is going to do something called the rally a group of third children Jen pushes Luke to go but he says no they get into an argument luckily they make up before she leaves. Luke hasn’t heard word of what happened so Luke goes back over but he trips the alarm and the Jens dad (Mr. Talbot) comes running home Luke said that he was Jens friend and wanted to know what happened at the rally  Mr. Talbot says she got shot in the head along with every single other third child their… Mr. Talbot says that he will find Luke a fake ID and Luke accepted.

In conclusion this book is my favorite book in the world because it’s exiting thrilling and adventurous and for you drama people there are some of that to. The next book continues with Luke heading to school with his brand new fake ID you should read this series it is fun and exciting,

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