After by Anna Todd | Teen Ink

After by Anna Todd

November 6, 2014
By Alivia B BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
Alivia B BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Although many people may say fan-fictions are for “bored teenagers”, the well-known teen romance by Anna Todd is a great read.
In the beginning, character Tessa Young gets a new prospective on life. Tessa starts College without her boyfriend Noah. Tessa gets a dorm with name Steph. Steph has very many friends but three in particular; Zayn, Niall, and worst of all…Harry Styles.
To start off college, Tessa wants good grades, perfect attendance, and a great legacy. But instead, Tessa decides to start off with a frat party. To have some fun, she decides on a game of truth or dare and cracks her first kiss. Later, Tessa agrees to ONE drink but ends up getting drunk with Harry. After awhile everybody can decide if what she did was a mistake.
The best part of the book was The details. The emotions put into the characters were outstanding. You could really feel what they were feeling. Also, descriptive doings were wonderful. You could tell where they were and when they were doing it. Lastly, The little tiny details and the big ones made an absolutely fabulous ending!
I also enjoyed the author’s choice in plot. At first, I assumed because the author wrote about Seattle that she lived in that area. Anna seemed to know a;pt about WSU and Vance Publishing also. But later, I found out that Anna actually lives in Texas. Additionally, I loved the way Anna Todd found a way to make Tess love writing as much as her.

Overall, Everyone needs to read the heart breaking but magical love story in this adventurous story called After by Anna Todd.

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on Nov. 14 2018 at 5:24 pm
baylielizabeth, Amarillo, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I recently started a YouTube channel... ALL about the After series. Please go check it out! <3