Cinder by Marissa Meyer | Teen Ink

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

November 5, 2014
By LiveLaughLove4Eva BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
LiveLaughLove4Eva BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Being a cyborg isn’t easy. Cinder’s stepmother and step-sisters aren’t exactly what she would call family. Being blamed for her step-sister’s diagnosis for a new plague is just too much. Although there are many futuristic novels which come to mind, Cinder by Marissa Meyer is by far the best treat. This action-packed thriller is cut an introduction to a fantastically written series by Marissa Meyer.

    This stupendous book is loosely based on the American classic, “Cinderella”. Just like Cinderella, Cinder has an evil stepmother to keep her busy around the clock. That’s not all, Cinder also has two nasty step-sisters to get picked on by, and of course Cinder has her own “Prince Charming”: Prince Kaito of New Beijing, who will sweep her off her feet; or so we hope. The plot of this amazing novel is also based on “Cinderella”. Cinder’s mean family always keep her working. cinder works as a mechanic in a market. Like Cinderella, Cinder loses her own “Glass Slipper”, or in this case her cyborg leg, on her way down the stairs from a ball. The way Marissa Meyer loops “Cinderella” with Cinder’s own story, is a major highlight of the plot.

The futuristic setting for this novel is a very important part. The technology of this arena is very different. There are cyborgs, and androids. In this novel, humans have learned to live on our very own Moon, or what the books calls it: Luna. On Luna, all of the people are referred to as Lunars, and refer to people on Earth as Earthens. Queen Levana of Luna has the power of manipulating the minds of both Lunars and Earthens. This power runs through the royal blood-line. Those who cannot be manipulated by Levana’s power are “shells”, and are to be exiled, unless there’s an exception.

The romance between Cinder and her “Prince Charming”, and the sharp twists and turns in the plot, make Cinder by Marissa Meyer an absolute must-read.

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