Rocket Boys by Homer Hickam jr. | Teen Ink

Rocket Boys by Homer Hickam jr.

October 14, 2014
By lakyn mcdonald BRONZE, Cairo, West Virginia
lakyn mcdonald BRONZE, Cairo, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 The book Rocket boys is an amazing book about a teenager trying to handle family, friends, a love life, and chase his dreams.  This book is full of conflict and drama filled excitement.  It is good for all ages to read and enjoy.
Homer Hickam is a young teenager who is fascinated about rockets and what they do.  Homer lives in a small coal mining town in Coal wood West Virginia.  He lives with his parents and older brother. Homer has three main friends Sherman, O’Dell, and Roy Lee who share the same interest in rockets.  Homer and his friends embark on an amazing adventure on building rockets. His inspiration for building rockets is his teacher Mrs. Riley who pushed the boys to follow their dreams.I think that Rocket Boys is an inspiring book about three boys that never gave up.  These boys were determined, hardworking, and never gave up. Rocket Boys was the most inspiring book I have ever read it showed me what it takes to follow your dreams.  The book moved me to follow my dreams.  It also taught me that anything is possible.  I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for romance determination and courage. 


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