Ghost House by Alexandra Adornetto | Teen Ink

Ghost House by Alexandra Adornetto

October 13, 2014
By Grapes BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Grapes BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Listen and you will learn" -parents

Chloe Kennedy has lived with the gift of seeing the dead her whole life and has blocked them out for years. When her mother passes on, Chloe sees the dead in a whole new way. Alex resides in England with a curse. He has to bear what he did in the past, and the monster it left behind. When Chloe and Alex meet, they learn how difficult their secrets will be to keep quiet. The dark secrets Chloe uncovers will be unfortunate and devastating. Isobel is now a tortured soul of her old self. She has become a torturer of the gifted. Some have suffered and died. Chloe needs to survive. She has a brother and a father to take care of. In Ghost House, Alexandra Adonetto has created a wonderful masterpiece. It is a story full of ghosts, romance, and action. Tension and uncertainty are extended throughout the novel.
This is a very action packed plot that includes plot twists at every turn. Alex is so kind and caring, but Isobel is a cold hearted person. Chloe interrupts life at Grange Hall, but she doesn’t know it. The whole book is a journey of understanding who Chloe is. It is beautifully written and you will find yourself falling for some characters, feeling sorry for others, and you will truly dislike some. I enjoy this book completely and wish I could read this for a first time again. I highly recommend this book for thrill seekers and mystery lovers.

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