"Reason to Breathe" Review | Teen Ink

"Reason to Breathe" Review

October 8, 2014
By LaurenAllisonK SILVER, Paragould, Arkansas
LaurenAllisonK SILVER, Paragould, Arkansas
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

    In this breathtaking novel, Rebecca Donovan captures readers of all ages. “Reason to Breathe” follows the life of Emma, a strong-willed girl with the determination to make it through senior year. As captain and leader of several varsity sports with a 4.0 GPA, she is creating her path to college. Emma’s mother, who is unfit to care for her, rarely shows up in her life. With her abusive aunt and uncle as caretakers, Emma must hide within the confines of her room studying to make the perfect grades. However, not everyone can safely live in this repetitive cycle of struggle without there eventually being a breaking point. Emma has the potential to succeed, but will she let her past get in the way?
   Throughout the novel Donovan creates the image that it takes strength to power through adversity. As the protagonist, Emma is the character who mentally struggles with this conflict. Day after day she does what is expected of her: making the grades, making the winning goal, but it begins to take its toll. Just as perfectionism would take effect, she begins to think that it isn’t enough. As the story progresses, it is revealed to the reader that a positive attitude is a type of strength; a type of strength that Emma must obtain. Not only is positive thinking a strengthening practice in Emma’s struggle against her family and school work, but it is a practice anyone can find helpful to their lives. This relatable story helps readers to focus on possible solutions to their everyday problems.
Although her aunt and uncle aren’t perceivably loving, Emma finds love in her friends. This love is a sensible recovery to turn to when she finds herself overwhelmed in her overachievements. In her debilitating moments, readers are able to see the power of love. Healing is one way Emma uses this feature of life in her favor. However, love can do so much more than heal: it can bring happiness, diminish struggles, and solve the world’s problems infinitely. These advantages of love are what Emma seems to shut out, but yet something she has yet to find. Her abilities to find them however may not be sufficient.
As a whole, the novel creates a beautifully structured message for humanity. Donovan targets all who struggle with perfectionism and the feeling of not measuring up. Her point, I believe, is to make it clear that you don’t have to be a recluse  in order to succeed.  Although it is important to focus on your goals, you don’t have to eliminate happiness and enjoyment from your life in order to reach them. Captured inside these issues or not, “Reason to Breathe” is a complete guide to successful living that can’t be missed.                                            

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R. said...
on Oct. 14 2014 at 2:29 pm
proud a you!