Christy Miller Series | Teen Ink

Christy Miller Series

December 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Teens, Girls, Boys. All these are issues that Robin Jones Gunn addresses in the Christy Miller Series (and the series that follow). Issues from Aunts killing peoples self esteem to friends trying to kill themselves from an eating disorder. It’s a great series and covers any issue a teenager could go through.
In the series Christy Miller goes through some pretty tough issues. But a few to keep this short and sweet are very interesting. One of the issues that I thought was interesting was the problem that Christy has with her Aunt and Uncle. They have some very difficult issues and I thought Christy handles them great.
I really enjoy the type of writing that Robin produces. It is referred to as Christian Fiction, and I LOVE that. What I like about this series is that Robin creates her characters and their experiences like they are real. You feel like you are really there with the characters and that everything they are going through, you go through with them. I also am drawn in by the situations that Christy and her friends go through. Christy and her friends go through almost every situation possible. She goes through friends getting pregnant, to friends having eating disorders, to friends not wanting to be friends anymore. A friend getting drunk, and the list goes on. Robin takes ANY situation a teen could go through and packs it into a series of books. I would recommend this book to any teenage girl who is either Christian or is going through a difficult situation. The books are great and help you go through any situation you are dealing with. No matter if it’s big, small, or in between.


This article has 1 comment.

PK4evr said...
on Jan. 9 2009 at 10:41 pm
I love the Christy Miller series! Thank you for reviewing them :)

I think you could use very slight work on your grammar, but it's a very good review! Good job!

God bless,
