The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

September 2, 2014
By Swag_Daddy BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Swag_Daddy BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You are what you eat.

     "I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up." The Fault in Our Stars is an excellent book. Author John Green has done it again by writing a story that displays how love can turn when cancer is involved. The story is chalked full of heartfelt and touching moments that you won't forget. Please read on!

     The Fault in Our Stars is definitely not for young children. The story has some very adult scenes that somebody young may not like or understand. The general audiance focus is for young adults. The characters are cancer survivors who really allow for you to connect to how they are feeling. The larger vocabulary used is very easy to understand, as long as you use context clues.

     John Green pours emotion into The Fault in Our Stars. He demonstrates how a young couple finds love in a hopeless place. This book really gives you a sense of gratitude for the finer things in life. When you read that last page and close the book, everything feels heavy. John Green truly understands how to make a reader feel attached to a book.

     The story is a romance novel, where two cancer patients find a happier life. I really enjoyed The Fault in Our Stars, because it makes you feel like an adult. Hazel, the female protagonist is a stage three cancer survivor. She meets Augustus Waters in a support group for other cancer patients to go to. Hazel finds herself really enjoying time with Augustus, and together they go on lots of adventures.

     Overall, I would say The Fault in Our Stars is a great read. Anyone, and everyone should go check out this book! Laughs are guarenteed in this story. I even found myself wanting to cry on certain spots. This has been my summary on The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

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