The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

September 2, 2014
By blackwidow71 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
blackwidow71 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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  The Fault In Our Stars is not only an amazing and heart felt book, it's written in a teenagers point of view. Which makes it is much easier to read for all the younger readers. The book is so amazing and so many emotions come with every page. The author, John Green wrote The Fault In Our Stars and I think he did perfectly well. The book is about two young teenagers finding their way through the world, struggling with cancer. Hazel is the main character and she is so intrigued with many things but she sees life more differently than other people. 



The author uses a very emotional and dramatic voice, which personally speaks volumes to me. There are so many emotions in the book, I couldn't put down the book for a second. The words used in this book were difficult to read but I understood most. The plot was magnificent and I know all of you would find it interesting. The information given in this book was does fit in with the age group. He's trying to target teens and it's about teens, so yes it does fit I with this age group.



The emotion does effect this book, because there is emotion on every page. It is full of heart break, denial, sadness, and happiness. Basically any emotion there is, is in this book.  The language in this book actually does support my judgment, because my judgement is that, this book is wonderful and talented. 



The book was very organized, and he put many twists in this book.  One second you think your on the same page and then something totally unexpected happens. It wasn't always easy to understand the book. But for the most part, I figured it out. I think all of the characters were truly believable especially Hazel.



I related to Hazel right away because she sees things the way I do. Hazel is an amazingly talented girl and she is unbelievably smart. I was exactly satisfied with the ending at first, but then I realized that the whole point of this book, is that life happens in unexpected ways even in ways we don't want it to but it does. I love this book because it just tells you the straight up truth and the truth is, life isn't always the happy ending we planned it to be sometimes things happen for the better. Hazel always said she didn't want to explode like a grenade, but she never did. She always thought she was in the worst situation ever, but she wasn't. The lesson to be learned from this book is that you can fall in love no matter what your problems are. Our flaws are what makes us perfect not your looks. I hope you love this book, I know I did. 

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