The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

September 2, 2014
By trueblondexoxo BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
trueblondexoxo BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     "I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly and then all at once."- Hazel Garce. I'm doing The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. I would recommend this book to literally everyone. So many people have read this book and loved it. I really enjoyed this book and I hope more people would honestly.

     The age of the audience the books seems to have is around is around twelve to twenty-one years old. I know plenty of young girls and boys that have seem to enjoy reading this book. So many people have talked about this story. The audience seems to really love it. I would love to see more people engage in this book.

     How the emotions effect this book is when, Augustus tells Hazel the bad news, you know the thoughts that are going through Hazel's mind. The anger, grief, and sorrow. All those emotions are coming at her all at once. When Augustus had said that to Hazel I think the audience's heart  had dropped to their stomach's.

      The characters are totally believable and because I know many people that have battled cancer at a pretty young age. All the leaves they said they were visiting were actual places. In this book there are so many events that can really take place.

      To be honest, I actually can relate to some of the main characters because Hazel is a strong, wonderful, and powerful woman. She has her own battle to fight and so do I. Gus shows me that there will always be. Light at the end of the tunnel  and to always have positive vibes.

      The book does give me a satisfy conclusion, but it doesn't at the same time. It answers all my questions. The way I wanted this to end a specific way, non of that happened.

      There is a moral lesson to the story. The lesson is when you're at your darkest time, you can still stay positive and be happy. No matter how short life is you just have to have fun. You never know when your last day will be.

     There is sort of a plot twist in this book, not really. I mean put of all the characters in the  story you wouldn't have really thought the worst thing could happen to them.

     I think the books overall goal to show no matter what the odds are in life there is always a way to stay positive.

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