Dreamland by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Dreamland by Sarah Dessen

September 1, 2014
By Payne.J BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
Payne.J BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
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Favorite Quote:
It's a metaphor.
-The Fault In Our Stars

"It's funny how someone's perception of you can be formed without you even knowing it." " Now I feel like I was drifting, sucked down by an undertower, and to far out to swim back to the shore." -Dreamland by Sarah Dessen. I absolutely do not like readying at all, ask my parents. I try to avoid reading as much as I can. It goes from reading directions to reading novels I hate it all Dreamland changed all the feelings about reading now. That was the first time i've read a book for awhile on my own, and wasn't mandantory. Dreamland was the best book I've ever read and keep in mind I hate reading. This book is full of true information, not just true information, but life lessons. Along the line of think before you act upon a situatuon. I recommend this book for mostly teenage girls from 12-18. It's full of situatuons that may happen throughout your teenage years, and maybe your young adult life.
This book is about a girl names Caitlin and her sister cass, well atleast in the begenning of the book. Caitlin is under a high level of depression because of a event that happend in her family. Caitlin met a guy named Rogerson and they fell in whatever your defenition of "love" is. Dreamland is a very organized book, it is also a brain teaser because you think you know what the next thiing is about, but it doesn't end up the wau your mind is thinking. The hints that are given to you, you should take them into consideration, because you'll need them. The two main characters are Caitlin, and Rogerson. Dreamland is a realistic book because these characters go through what so many teenagers go through while they are in a relationship. Although I do not relate to the characters \ at all some people can. This is a book that makes you think and wonder, but once you start you'll be hooked. The ending is not my favorite type of ending but it was alright.
This is more for teenagers and young adults, because I don't think kids would really understand what's going on. While I was reading Dreamland, I was so into I honestly didn't catch any difficult words. In every book you read there will be that one word you can't figure out, but honestly it's not a hard reader at all. While reading this book it was difficult to figure out the conflict. There are just so many problems. When you find out the first one don't think it's the main conflict. By the end of the story you'll have to sit there finish crying then you'll figure everything out.
There are many voices in this book. What I mean is that you can just tell how the writer sounds in different context and ways of saying it. Such as "There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what it's saying." Now as you read that, you would not read that in a happy bubbly way at all. That is what I mean by different ways of voices. You would read "She felt like she was in love." In a happy way. In Dreamland, Sarah Dessen messes with your emotions because one minute it feels like you're sad then it matches with nothing in the book, then you're happy all over again. May lessons are learned throughout this book. You might not catch it right away but you really have to pay attention to catch them, but there are almost two lessons in a chapter that you will need either sooner or later. If you don't need them now, you'll need them later.
Dreamland is a great book and keep in mind I do not like reading at all. I judge a lot of books by their cover. Yah, all this one had was a heart on it and trust me, I judged it just like every other book. I opened it by the time I read the first three lines, I couldn't stop. It's still not my favorite book, but Dreamland is up on high rankings. If you get a chance to read it, read the back first then just keep reading. I've never heard of starting the book the way she did, but it added a twist to it. I hope you enjoyed the book.

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