Insurgent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

September 1, 2014
By Shirknado BRONZE, Alum Creek, West Virginia
Shirknado BRONZE, Alum Creek, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Insurgent by Veronica Roth is a book is a book about an isolated city in what used to be Chicago. They live in factions in an attempt to keep peace. However, peaceful is not how you would describe the atmosphere in this book. All war breaks out as corrupted factions battle for power. I would recommend this book for boys or girls grades six and up.

This book is great for almost anyone. The word usage is very elementary so vocabulary wouldn’t be a problem. It is also good for either gender because it has several elements like love, love romance, action, war, secrets, lies and many more things that both genders would enjoy. It does however use some language that may not be suitable for young children. Someone that young most likely won’t be reading this book though. They wouldn’t understand the plot.

I think the author did a good job of writing this book with emotion. All of the characters really seem like they’re speaking with raw emotion. They seem like they’re really passionate about everything they’re saying. You can also tell that the author is passionate about writing the story. It seems like the author really put forth a ton of effort in writing this book.

In this book, everyone lives in an isolated civilization divided into factions in an effort to keep peace and humanity. The entire city is fenced in and no one know what is beyond the fences. When factions begin to crave a new type of government, and power, war breaks out among the factions. Allies and enemies come and go as every faction looks out for its self. Add that with fascinating characters Roth created and you have a wonderful novel.

This is a wonderful book everyone at least eleven years of age. It would also be good for either gender. The fascinating plot and characters come together to make an outstanding story. You won’t be able to put it down.

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