Insurgent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

September 1, 2014
By brnunley BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
brnunley BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     "One choice can transform you," stated Veronica Roth, 'or it can destroy you." Beatrice Prior, a sixteen year old girl faces several challenges throughout her journey. She comes across many situations that she will have to make a decision that may affect her family, friends, and loved ones. Insurgent is a book that tons of people have fallen in love with. Veronica Roth, the author of this book makes this story very believable and interesting. I would recommend this book to all teenagers and young adults, but I also think that older aged people would enjoy this book as well. Insurgent is a very good book and will never lose your attention. There are many surprising parts that will keep you on the edge of your seat and will make you want to keep reading.

    Insurgent is a book that mainly targets teens and young adults. Beatrice and Tobias, the main characters are sixteen and eighteen years old, so many people their ages will find many things they have in common with them. Beatrice goes through many factors teens deal with today like grief, loyalty, betrayal, and love. The vocabulary used most people would understand, but there are a few phrases that are more difficult. Overall, I would suggest this book to my friends and family of all ages.

     The way Veronica Roth wrote this book really made a difference on how people felt about this book. She knew how to use words to write a wonderful book. Veronica wrote this book in a perfect way. Some authors write books and overdue things, then it seems unrealistic, but Insurgent is written very well.

     In this book, Beatrice Prior has passed dauntless initiation and defeated the Erudite and the attack serum. Jeanine Matthews is trying to kill all of the divergent kind. Since Beatrice and Tobias are divergent it is hard to run away from harm. They both go through many challenges together to try and escape from Jeanine, but for all the details you will have to read the book and find out!

     Personally I love this book. Veronica is a spectacular writer and I can't wait to read the next book in the series. Insurgent was very well written and never lost my attention. I hope that Veronica will continue to write many great books like this one.

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