That Summer by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

That Summer by Sarah Dessen

September 1, 2014
By Emmalicious BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Emmalicious BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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     My book is called That Summer by Sarah Dessen. It is about a girl's summer that changed her whole life. This book is romantic, dramatic, and chaotic because there are break up's, new boyfriends, and girlfriends. It's dramatic because a lot of unexpected things happen, and everything changes so fast.

     I think that this book is mostly geared towards teenage girls. I think it is a great book about a girl's life that goes downhill in one whole summer. There are a lot of big dramatic things that happen throughout the book. Some teenage girls might enjoy reading this dramatic book, but some may not. I typically don't like reading so I was actually really surprised I liked it!

     The author had many different emotions in this book. Some chapters were happy, some were mad or sad. There were many different conflicts in the book along with some arguing and disagreements. The vocabulary was not appropriate for younger kids. It was not very hard or easy. 

     The book is about a 15 year old girl named Haven.  She is a very tall and scrawny girl. In this book Haven's whole life changed so fast in one summer. She has one sister, Ashley who is getting married to Lewis Warner, and she is 21. Her mom and dad are getting a divorce because her dad had an affair with a weather girl named Lorna who is 26. Mostly the whole book is family drama.

     After all I really liked this book a lot and I hope this makes you want to read it too! I really liked how it was based on summer because I think it makes it more interesting to read. I really liked reading all the family drama, it made me want to keep reading to see what was going to happen. Also there were a lot of very unexpected things that made it very interesting. I really enjoyed reading it, and I hope you think it sounds like a good book by reading this.

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