House of Hades | Teen Ink

House of Hades

September 2, 2014
By BANE0521 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
BANE0521 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The definition of stupidity is doing something (like touching fire) then doing it again expecting a different result.

Welcome to Tartarus, enjoy your permanent stay! This book is called House of Hades by Rick Riordan. I would recommend this book for ages  nine and up for the fantasy violence and some peril.

This book is about demigods and Greek mythology coming to life. It takes place in the present time in the perspective of many characters like Percy Jackson, Leo, or Hazel. They travel across many different environments during the book and also many major city's. While that happens they also have to protect the world from the giants and Gaea at the same time. The story isn't very believable but it is a very good book overall.

The author expresses his emotions through the peril, love, and betrayal in the story. He expresses those very emotions very well throughout the book. You will be stuck reading this book until you get to the very end of it. 

The story is geared towards young adults and older children. The story is very fast paced and the words can be complex for some readers. It has a lot of fantasy violence and some of it might be too much for younger children. I would recommend this book for ages nine and up.

I believe that tis is a very good book and that all readers should read this book. I hope this review helps you with your thirst for adventure. Thank you for reading and read on!!!

The author's comments:

I love the way this story is so that is what inspired me to write about it. I love the author's other works so I would recommend those also.

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