The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

August 29, 2014
By Anonymous

If you love a good book  you can't but down, the you'll love The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. The Fault in Our Stars will toy with your emotions with the love, death, and heart-swelling feelings. This book is a novel everyone should read. The reason is because it's a fabulous read that has plenty of ups and downs.

This book is about two teenage cancerous lovers named Hazel Grace and Agustus Waters. They are trying to survive cancer together. This story takes place in Indianapolis, Indiana in the year 2012. This book tells how teenagers actually live their life's if they thought they were going to die.

This book is mostly geared towards young adult readers. The reason why is because it talks about stuff young adults actually do in their life's. In this novel there are a lot of difficult situations between Hazel and Gus. One situation is living your everyday life as a teenager with cancer. Also, another reason I pushed the book to young adult readers is because of the vocabulary used. It shows how kids actually talk and act these days.

The way the author's emotion is in the novel is very effective in a way. The way I mean is that is that when John Green wants the reader to feel happy, they will be happy. If he wants them to feel sad or emotional he could easily enforce those feelings. John Green can do amazing things with words in his books. To me the life lesson is to live every day to it's fullest because there might not be a tomorrow. Hazel expresses that feeling a lot in the book.  

The Fault in Our Stars is an amazing book by John Green. John Green is such an amazing author. My opinion on the book is a five out of five stars This book is hands down the best book I have ever read. It makes me want to read more books by John Green.

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