Insurgent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

August 29, 2014
By RedRage123 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
RedRage123 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When life gives you lemons, shove the lemons back in life's face"

     Insurgent is written by Veronica Roth, and it's the sequel to Divergent. It takes place after the Dauntless wake up, and realized they have murdered about three quarters of Abnegation. Half of Dauntless goes to Candor head quarters, with Trice and Tobias, while the other half goes to I Erudite head quarters. The two sides battle it out during the book.


     The book mainly targets teens, young adults, and/or a good reader between the ages of ten and twelve. It has a large range of vocabulary, and material usually only recommended for young adults. Details include romance, action, and detailed scenes, as in material not recommended for people with weak stomaches. It will make you read half the book, then you will come back and read the rest of the book, because it is such a detailed mad wonderful book.


     The writer's voice in this story is neither emotional nor reserved, but a mixed personality of both sappy and cheesy. The emotion in this story is like a minefield, and the story is a person, as the story continues forward, it sets off the mines, causing the emotion to fill your thoughts. I also feel that the emotion makes the story like an acid, it burns out a hole in your mind, then the emotion fills that hole, forcing your mind to read more. The life lesson of this book/story is be organized, but also be yourself at times.


     This book is the continuation of the Divergent series, book number two. In this story a lot of crazy things happen. The main characters/antagonists travel to the other factions. New new characters are introduced, they have many big and small impacts to  the storyline. The Factionless are introduced, Tobias' mother is the leader of them. The story's setting mostly takes place inside the Amity Compound, Amity's faction symbol is on the cover of the book, but it also takes place inside the other factions.


      Yes this book is wonderful, but with all the action and romance, at times it can seem boring, well at least it does for me, but I'm sure it does for someone that is reading or has read the book. I recommend this book to middle schoolers and high schoolers, because it is a great book for the age of teenagers. Also checkout the next two books in this series, Alligant and Four.

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