The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken | Teen Ink

The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

August 29, 2014
By Ruby_sector BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
Ruby_sector BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The Darkest Minds tend to hide behind the most unlikely faces"

"The darkest minds tend to hide behind the most unlikely faces."~ Alexandra Bracken, The Darkest Minds.  This will be one of the most suspenseful books you read.  The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken is a young adult book.  I recommend this book because it is interesting and suspenseful.  It has action and adventure.  I would say the target age would be between twelve and fifteen years old. I definitely would recommend this novel to anybody.



The Darkest Minds has a fairly high vocabulary.  It is very well written, too. The situations these characters face are somewhat realistic. This being because they are controlled by an evil plague that gives the characters unnatural powers.  Some of these situations are more realistic, like the characters surviving on their own.  The book could be comprehended by a younger person, but the main direction would be toward teenagers.  The older teenagers (ages 16-18) might find this book a little too easy, but I think really anybody would love it.



The narrator of this story is Ruby Daly, a sixteen year old girl.  She begins the story to back when she is ten, explaining her past. Throughout the book, you can feel Ruby grow, change, and mature.  The emotion in this book is very effective.  Her emotions are expressed perfectly, and you almost feel the same.  It is very accurate, she feels what I believe you would feel if you were sixteen and alone; scared, confused, but learning.  She learns how to survive, and how to fight.  The life lessons in this novel would to be strong, brave, and sacrifice.



  The characters in this book are Ruby, Liam, Chubs, and Zu. Ruby is the main character, strong and willing to fight.  Liam is very enthusiastic, and slowly develops a crush on Ruby.  He is 17, and one of the nicest people you will ever meet in this book. Zu is silent, yet brave. I belie  she is 10-12 years old. Chubs is 17 as well, who is stubborn, but does care. He slowly begins to like Ruby. The setting is in WV and VA, in camps and motels, and Black Betty, their trusty minivan.



Ruby is 10 years old, and sent to a "rehab" camp. This camp is where the children are tortured by the PSF agents and the White Noise. There is an evil plague going around in children. The children are separated into colors based on danger. Ruby is an orange, a very powerful and dangerous color, but disguises herself as a more harmless green.  A woman named Cate breaks Ruby out, but she is in for much more when she leaves Cate, meets some new friends, and they go on an amazing journey.



Overall, I really do like this book. It has components that would please any book lover. Like I mentioned before, the age is for 12-15, but I still that that anybody would love this novel. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken is a must read in schools or by yourself.


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