That Summer by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

That Summer by Sarah Dessen

August 29, 2014
By Gd123 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Gd123 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life to the fullest."

                                                               "That Summer" Review  


              "It's funny how one summer can change everything." This book is called "That Summer" , by Sarah Dessen. 15 year old Haven, struggles with life and life is not that fair sometimes. You just have to get over that. I would highly  recommend this book.

                 The age group that I recommend to read this book would be 9-12 graders. These older people would understand the book and get a feel for it. The books plot is understanding, but it is not too easy. There are so many up and downs that have struggles and happiness in them. I don't recommend this book to younger people. They wouldn't understand the way this book is written.

              This author gives a lot of emotion. It is just like the life of a teenager. The emotion really effects this book. It makes you really interested and you don't want to stop. There are some inappropriate words, but if you're a teenager, you hear them everyday. This is why I recommend this book for older people.

               This story is about a life of a teenager named Haven. Her sister, Ashley is a small brat, and her fiancé is named Lewis. Lewis is a very quiet man. Haven has an 18 year old friend named Sumner and he understands Haven. Ashley's wedding is coming up and she is all stressed out. Haven works in the mall at Little Feet and Sumner works at a lot of different places around town. Also Havens dad got remarried to Lisa and they are having a surprise. Havens mom was lonely but thankfully her friend Lydia helped her out. Haven misses this one summer where everything was perfect. Her mom and dad were together, and also Ashley and Sumner we dating, everybody was happy. Haven just wishes she could go back. 

                This books overall goal is to teach you a lesson about life. The author wants you to keep the lesson, so that you can use it further on in life. It spends most of the time talking about how Havens friend Sumner, cheers her up and makes her feel good about herself. The major characters in this book are Haven, Sumner, Ashley, Lewis, Mom, Lydia, Havens dad, and his wife, Lisa. I hope you enjoy this book! I hope I didn't spoil anything to you guys!


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