Insurgent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

August 29, 2014
By Madridista7 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Madridista7 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We all have war inside us, sometimes it keeps us alive and sometimes it threatens to destroy us."

                                                         Insurgent Review



      "One choice can destroy you". Insurgent by Veronica Roth, is an action packed book about a sixteen year old girl named Beatrice Prior. In Insurgent, Tris has to try to save the people she cares about and her faction, while also struggling with her own grief and loss left by the simulation attack. This book has endless surprises and never gets boring. I believe that all teenagers should read this book.

       Insurgents main target audience is for teenagers and adults. Even the two main characters, Tris and Tobias, are teenagers who are having to overcome many obstacles to fight for what they think is right. This book challenges the reader without making it too difficult to enjoy reading. There is constant action going on throughout the book, which keeps a young audience interested. I think that this book is good for this age group because part of it is about embracing who you really are, and I think that's an important message for teenagers. 

      Insurgent is told by Tris Priors' point of view. I think that this really helps you feel what she is feeling because she is an emotional character. She describes her feelings very well, and it helps you relate to the story. Tris telling the story also helps you understand the love story going on between Tobias and her, and what they feel for each other.

     One of the best things about Insurgent is that it keeps you in constant suspense. There are many different conflicts going on throughout the book. I never wanted to stop reading! Another great thing about this book is that you can relate to the characters. Two teenagers in love and fighting for their factions while also dealing with their ow losses is something some please can understand. Insurgent takes place in futuristic Chicago, in a society that is made up of five factions. Tris and Tobias are having to fight other factions throughout this book.

      I think that Insurgent is a fantastic book that all teenagers should read. Many people have trouble reading books this large, but with this many conflicts going on, I found it impossible to stop reading. I think that this book has many different lessons to learn about bravery, selflessness, love, and fighting for what you believe in. This is one of my favorite books, and I recommend it to all readers.

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