Sunrise Over Fallujah by Walter Dean Myers | Teen Ink

Sunrise Over Fallujah by Walter Dean Myers

August 29, 2014
By Anonymous

Sunrise Over Fallujah



                      How could you tell your child that they are not allowed to protect their country? The title of the book is Sunrise Over Fallujah. The author who wrote Sunrise Over Fallujah is Walter Dean Myers. This book is so wonderful I would recommend this book to every Middle school and High school student. This is a book that accurately tells us about the military. Some people say that they thought it was going to be a boring fiction book just about the military. They were fighting in the Vietnam War. 


The book is about this boy who wants to be in the military and his dad told him not to and he still went anyway. He was writing his dad but his dad would not answer his letters. So, he started writing his granddad. The book is mainly geared to the military. Walter Dean Myers had to have the heart to write this book. It is a wonderful story to read. Some kids who have read it said it is the best book ever. 


The author has mixed emotions throughout the story. At the beginning of the story the author is depressed because his dad told him that he was not going into the military. Then when he there he started to get out of his depressed mood. He started talking to people and started to be happy. Throughout the book his moods changed so many times. 


The book is about the military. Robin is one of the main characters. He is the one that is having all of the problems. This book takes place during the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War was one of the biggest wars we have ever had. The Vietnam occurred from 1959 to April30,1975. This war lasted for 16 years. 


Like I said during this whole paper the book is amazing. I would retread this book. The book is a good way for the people that want to go into the military to see how it really is. I want everyone to read this book. Read the book to find out the ending 




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