Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton | Teen Ink

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

August 29, 2014
By Anonymous

   My summer reading book was "Jurassic Park" by Michael Crichton. I really enjoyed this book. I enjoyed this book because I love dinosaurs. I saw the movie and I thought it was awesome, so I decided to read the book, and it was ten times better, but some parts I did not like. So now let's get on with the review.


   Crichton's book "Jurassic Park" is an age appropriate book for young teens and adults. The information that Crichton gives in this novel is fitting. "Jurassic Park" has some words that would be difficult for younger readers but the older ones should have no problem. "Jurassic Park" does have some cursing but that shouldn't be a problem.


   Michael Crichton uses a reserved voice in this book. He does not use very much emotion, but does show enough. An example is when a little girl is bitten he doesn't really add any more emotion.


   The words in some case can be hard to understand. An example is when a mathematician is explaining his theory about the park failing. In this story there are some cases where the dinosaurs surprise you with their abilities. The characters in this story are very realistic. There are some that are mean and greedy, while others are nice, generous while some are just out of place because they don't know what's happening.


   Some characters can relate to me because of their fascination with dinosaurs, and their will to want to see them in real life, otherwise there is not a connection. The book in my eyes comes to a very nice conclusion, (I don't want to give anything away) but the dinosaurs escape and people get eaten. I do believe that the lesson is that man should not expect to always control nature, because sometimes you can't, and not one thing should have complete control.


   In conclusion I believe this book is awesome, because of the plot, overall goal, and the premise of the story. I do recommend it to others, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


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