The Raft-Review | Teen Ink

The Raft-Review

August 19, 2014
By Anonymous

The Raft The main setting to this story was on a raft in the Pacific Ocean. The plot of the story was when Robie hit land. Background information on the author is that she is known for her science fiction novels like, “The Compound” or “The Gardener”. She has also chosen to be in the Peace Corps and that took her all around the world. This book was a real thriller; it had me at the edge of my seat during the climax. I thought the theme of this story was Robie not knowing how good she had it till it was taken away from her. By her surviving on her own made her into a person that is more responsible and thankful person. In my opinion survival books are the best. So, when I saw this I was immediately interested in the book. At the beginning of the book it started off as a regular teenage girl life. Robie lived in the city was in love with Starbucks and had a nose ring. But when she left the city to live with her parents her perspective about her life changed. I will encourage you to read this book because it is very interesting. It may also change your perspective about life. It might make you thankful for all the good things that you have in your life. While you read the book you have to be very attentive to the reading. If not the book would fly past you and you would not understand. Secondly, you should also take notes of all the important parts of the book. Third, also make sure you understand the text. If you don’t understand a word, search the word or if you don’t understand a phrase ask a person for help. I recommend this book to my peers and I would suggest this for my friends and family to read this also.

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