Forgotten Fire | Teen Ink

Forgotten Fire

December 16, 2008
By Anonymous

If you're looking for a great book, you are reading the right review! Forgotten Fire is a realistic fiction novel that struggles with genocide. This book has the protagonist, Vahan Kenderian, go through the roughest part of his life. Vahan is a twelve year old boy. This book was written in first person point of view. It is a reliable narrator because he is talking from his experiences. It is a very interesting book because it has so many details and it is as if you are watching a movie. Vahan was very wealthy and spoiled before the genocide hit. As you can see, this book is very interesting.

The setting of Forgotten Fire is in Bitlis, a province of turkey and Armenia. In Speak, the central conflict is genocide. However, there are many more conflicts throughout the novel. In this book, there are many themes expressed which include growing up, survival, and death. These are all experienced through the eyes of a twelve year old. They all take place during the genocide.

I think that this book was the greatest book I've ever read. It taught me so much about the Armenian culture. Also, I now understand what really happened in the genocide in Armenia. I personally don't enjoy reading but this book was so good, I couldn't put it down. Plus, if this book was a “National Book Award Finalist”. In order for it to be a finalist, it would have to be really good and if they loved it, why wouldn't we? For example, everyone I know who read it loved it. At times, the book was so sad that I would have to keep reading until it came to a happy mood again. As you can see, this book is an awesome book that takes you on an adventure without going anywhere.

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