The Fault in our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in our Stars by John Green

August 19, 2014
By ChiantiKiki BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
ChiantiKiki BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
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For my summer reading I read a literature novel called The Fault in our Stars by John Green, who grew up in Florida and was born on August 24, 1997. This story takes place between the year 2008-2012 in Indianapolis and Amsterdam. The main setting in this story is The Literal Heart of Jesus Church where the main characters, Hazel and Augustus attend support group.

            Hazel is a 16-year-old woman who was diagnosed with Thyroid IV cancer when she was 13 years old, and has Mets in her lungs. Hazel Grace Lancaster’s life consisted of reading An imperial Affliction over and over, staying home mostly every day, and watching Americas Next Top Model, until she got forced to attend support group. At support group Hazel fell in love with Augustus waters. He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, but it now cancer-free after having one of his legs amputated. The main conflict of this story is that both Hazel and Augustus struggle through cancer after Augustus has an appearance and begins to have cancer again. With cancer they become star-crossed lovers knowing that their fate isn’t always going to be good for each other.

            The theme of this story is “Life is not a wish-granting factory.” This refrain repeated throughout the novel many times, and in other words it means, the things we want to come true often don’t, and reality can be different from our fantasies. One example of this refrain is when Augustus realizes that he will never be able to perform an extraordinary skill of courage. Augustus was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma a year and a half ago, and is feeling grand, until he has an occurrence just before him and Hazel go on a trip to Amsterdam. If you want to find out more you should read this amazing book; I promise you’ll love it because I sure did! This book wasn’t only amazing to read, but it helped me improve myself as a person. It helped me to be more thankful and appreciative for what I have by saying thank you more often to helpful people. 


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