The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

August 18, 2014
By Anonymous

The Fault in Our Stars

It was almost spring in Indianapolis where Hazel Grace Lancaster thrived at seventeen; she had a “tumor-shrinking medical miracle” that gave her a few years. She was terminal. Her mother was convinced she was depressed and enrolled her into a cancer patients’ support group. In one of the meetings Hazel notices this teenage boy, Augustus Waters, who is there as a mutual friend. After the meeting he approaches Hazel and invites her over to his house. They talk about their cancer; Hazel has thyroid cancer that had spread into her lungs and Augustus has osteosarcoma but amputating his leg got him cancer free. They exchange their favorite books with each other before Hazel left. Hazel explains her love for the novel to Augustus. This is the book that she read numerous times and the book that kept her cooped up in her room all day. After he was finished reading the novel himself he grew a love for the story. They set out on a journey to find the author of the book to finish the open ending story. The two young individuals develop feelings throughout the story. Hazel explains that "she fell for him like how you fall asleep, slowly then all at once." They show the audience that no matter what baggage someone can always carry it for you.This novel is a romance genre, The Fault in Our Stars written by John Green is now one of my favorite! The author hits questions we all ask ourselves; why me? why get involved with love?. John Green shows us that love triumphs through hardship. This novel is worth your time.


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