The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

August 18, 2014
By Anonymous

The book the fault in our stars was written by John Green. It is a heart-felt novel about a 16 year-old girl named hazel grace, who has terminal cancer and her journey through life. She meets Augustus Waters at a support group for kids diagnosed with cancer. The two are similar in many ways, as we watch them fall in love. Although they may face hard time they stick it out till the end. Hazel is obsessed with a book about cancer called “Imperial Affection”. The ending is but, a mystery. Hazel Grace is anxious to know what happens after the book ends. Augustus finds a way to get them to fly to Amsterdam to meet the author of this book. What happens next is up to you to find out. John Green has managed to create a touching a touching novel about true love. He helps readers to understand what’s its like to be living with cancer and how it changes your life forever. He helps the readers to understand that it’s not easy to be living with cancer and that you could be seconds away from death. This book shows readers that there is always hope and to never stop trying. John Green helps us to understand not to take anything for granted and be happy for what you have cause it could be there one day and gone the next. He shows us nothing last forever but never give. I think that everyone should read this book. It may change the way you think about life. It will help you to understand that other people have it worst then you and not to take anything for granted. Everyone should read this book.

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