The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

August 18, 2014
By Anonymous

The book, "The Fault In Our Stars" is a fiction story that took place in Indianapolis; written by John Green. It is a romantic yet sad, cancer story. This story's about 17 year old girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster; a 16 year old boy, Augustus waters, and their love story. Hazel has thyroid cancer that spread to her lungs which makes it hard to breathe without an oxygen tank. Augustus had osteosarcoma, but after having one of his legs amputated he became cancer free. They met one day at a support group. They quickly fell in love, but Hazel knew someday she was going to die. She didn't want to get into a relationship with Augustus cause she didn't want to hurt him. Even though they both loved each other, she decided that they were better off just being friends. They hung out often, and one day made a deal…. Augustus was to read Hazels favorite book, An Imperial Affliction and Hazel was to read, The Price Of Dawn, the first of a sequel that Augustus loved. After some time they both finished the book as promised, and Hazel even went on reading the sequel. Augustus had so many question for the open-ending book, Hazel had also had the same questions. They pondered happened after the story ended, but there was no way of knowing except for to ask the author of the book, Peter Van-Houten. Hazel had sent Peter so many letters, but they were never answered. I would rate this book a 5 out of 5 because it had a lot of drama and it was yet a sweet story. I think everyone should read this book because I?m not a big fan of reading and I loved this book; if I finish a book I must really like it. But the questions are…. Will Hazel and Augustus get together? Will Hazel end up dieing? Will they ever find out how the books really ends or will their questions to Peter be forever a mystery? You?ll all have to find out when you read the book “The Fault In Our Stars” by John Green.

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