Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

August 18, 2014
By Anonymous

This summer we had to read a book for english. The book I read was Divergent by: Veronica Roth. The genre in this book is science fiction because it could happen in real life but science would have to make it that way. The Setting of this book is in the distant future because it can't happen now with the society that we are living in. The main character in this story is Beatrice she has blonde hair, blue eyes, and usually has her hair in a braid.

The plot of the book is that Beatrice betrays her family and switches from the Abnegation faction and switches to the dauntless faction. Now she must pass the initiation and become a dauntless faction regular. Only 9 of 20 initiates may get into the faction. If they do not become regulars then they will become factionless. No one wants to become factionless because it is the most shame you can ever have or bring to your family.

I liked this book and thought it was very interesting. I haven't got hooked on a book like I have with this book divergent. I would convince people to read this book because it is interesting, amazing and makes you think... Why if this happened in real life! My peers should go out to the store and buy this book right away because it is a awesome book. You will also guaranteed to get hooked on this book just like I did and you will never get hooked like it again! You will never read a book like it.

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