The Fault in our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in our Stars by John Green

August 18, 2014
By babbyara SILVER, Keaau, Hawaii
babbyara SILVER, Keaau, Hawaii
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Fault in Our Stars is a Young Adult literature written by John Green. The story is told by main character, Hazel Grace Lancaster. Hazel is a 16 year old girl who has lung cancer. When she attends to a support group for cancer survivors, she meets a boy named Augustus Waters. Augustus had osteosarcoma about a year and a half ago.

They were basically inseparable since the day they met and bonded through Hazel’s favorite novel called, An Imperial Affliction by Peter Van Houten. Hazel can really relate to one of the characters named Anna, who has cancer as well. They bonded over the book and became close. With them both wanting to know how the story ended, they contacted the author, Mr. Van Houten. He invited Augustus and Hazel over to Amsterdam. Augustus used one of his wishes to get there because it costs a lot of money. When they get to North Holland, Peter turns out to be a total jerk and they didn’t get the ending they wanted. Later on during their trip, Augustus breaks the news to Hazel that he had a recent scanning done and they found his whole body full of cancer. Hazel spends the last few months of Augustus’s life by loving him.

An important, meaningful quote is “I’m on a roller coaster that only goes up” by Augustus Waters (pg. 11) I think he means that he’s trying to be positive and not trying focus on the negatives. In my opinion I think he has a good mindset for his future. A theme for this book could be about life and existence. Hazel and Augustus feel the need to figure out what place they hold in the world knowing the short amount of time they have to spare. They try to live life to the fullest and learn all of life’s lessons. They also learn who they are -which leads to moments they’ll never forget.

The 36 year old author of The Fault in Our Stars, John Green has written other amazing novels such as; Paper Towns & Looking for Alaska. He has a wife named Sarah Urist. They have two children, Henry & Alice. John and his family reside in Indianapolis and has won the Edgar Award. He is a very talented, award-winning author.

I would recommend this novel to all young adult literature readers. I personally loved the wonderful book by John Green. It’s a book that teens can be touched and inspired by even if they don’t have cancer. It’s a book you can’t simply put down.


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