I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore | Teen Ink

I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

August 15, 2014
By Anonymous

In I Am Number Four Pittacus Lore writes a remarkable science fiction novel with action, adventure, and romance.
The novel follows the story of a teen in the present, currently named John Smith, from another planet called Lorien; he went into hiding along with his guardian and 16 others. Split into nine pairs they all journey around the world running from the Mogadarians, the enemy to those of Lorien. One in each pair was a child who would grow to have powers and the other would be their guardian for as long as needed. John travels with his guardian, Henri, and has gone many places running from the Mogadarians who seek to kill the children that escaped from Lorien. Luckily, the nine children had a protective charm placed on them so that things would be tougher for the Mogadarians. The nine would need to be killed in a specific order from one to nine, John is Number 4 and Number 3 has just been killed. He is next. With the charm he learns that 3 is dead and Henri, his guardian, decides it's time to move and change their identities. It has now become routine for the two after many years of disappearing and reappearing as new people. They move to a small town called Paradise, Ohio. After moving there John receives his legacies, or special powers, such as withstanding high temperatures and telekinesis. He trains with Henri until one day the Mogadarians begin to catch up to John.
I highly recommend this book to my peers because it just keeps you guessing. What will his powers be? Will he learn to control it? Who will he befriend? Will he survive? The book itself seems large but the words will make it seem like a picture book. I think that one message this book sends is that no matter who you are there is always someone there for you. I hope you decide to read this book and enjoy it as much as I did.
"Nine of us came here. We look like you. We talk like you. But we are not you."

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