The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

August 15, 2014
By Anonymous

Book Review

If you’re looking for a great summer book, then you should read The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. This brilliant romance novel will keep you glued to every word. I read it again and again like three times. John Green is an amazing writer! This book makes you think deeply on the meaning of life.

Hazel Grace Lancaster a smart, 16 year old, college student from Indianapolis, is forced to attend a Support Group for kids living with cancer. Her parents want Hazel to be around people her own age. Hazel was diagnosed with stage 4 Thyroid cancer with metastasis forming in her lungs. Having useless lungs forces Hazel to carry around an oxygen tank where ever she goes. She dreads going to Support Group until one day when this boy catches Hazel Grace’s eye. He introduces himself as Augustus Waters, 17, Bone Cancer, and an amputee patient. Hazel finds something special about him and they get to know each other really well.

They talk to each other about everything and share their interest. Hazel and Gus exchange their favorite books and find out they both obsess over Hazels favorite book, An Imperial Affliction, which is completely blank halfway through the book. Hazel constantly emails the author, Peter Van Houten, and asks him about the ending and what exactly happens. Gus knows how much the book means to Hazel Grace and miraculously gets the author to invite them to Amsterdam. Hazel is amazed and is really excited. Gus uses his “Dying Wish” for them to trip to Amsterdam. It turns out that the author is a total jerk. All he does is get drunk. This makes Hazel really mad but Augustus reminds her that he cannot ruin their trip and they have a really good time. When Gus gives Hazel the bad news… they are forced to spend every last moment with each other. No matter what happens Gus and Hazel Grace are with each other to the very end.

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