The Raft by S.A. Bodeen | Teen Ink

The Raft by S.A. Bodeen

August 15, 2014
By Pisila Sipinga BRONZE, Hilo, Hawaii
Pisila Sipinga BRONZE, Hilo, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book is called “The Raft.” The author of this book is S.A. Bodeen. The genre of this book is horror. This book takes place in the Pacific Ocean and Oahu. The main character of this book is Robbie and Max. This book is about a girl named max who goes to Oahu to vista her aunt. Then she finds out that her aunts going to be gone for a week. The person who supposed to check up on Robbie ends up canceling and she’s happy because she’s free. When it’s time to go home she catches a cargo plane at the last minute. When she gets on the plane she sees that there’s a new co-pilot named max. While they’re in the air a storm hits and Robbie’s not scared until an engine cuts off. Mean while max is yelling at her to put on her life vest, but its too late. Now she’s in the water fighting for her life when Max pulls her on to his raft. Now they’re floating in water, she sees land but the water they’re in has sharks in it. When she reaches land she can’t even stand. Now she must find a way to call for help and get rescued. This book makes me feel grateful to have a family that loves me and to be living on an island. I’m grateful for a family that loves me because they would be the first to realize I was missing. I’m grateful to be living on an island because I know how to use my resources and how to make fresh water. This book also makes me feel like I’m apart of story. It makes me feel a part of the story because of how detailed it is. I would recommend this book to someone to read because I want others to feel the way that I felt when I read it. If you want to know the ending to it I’ll just tell you now that I really liked it a lot. You should read this book because of how much of a good book it is.

The author's comments:
i hope you get the chance to read this book because its truly a great book.

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