The Fault In Our Stars by Jhon Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by Jhon Green

August 14, 2014
By Anonymous

The Fault In Our Stars
John Green
Genre: Young adult literature
Setting: Indianapolis, Amsterdam
Main Characters: Hazel Grace Lancaster, Augustus Waters, and Isaac
Quote: You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have some say in who hurts you. (This was said by Augustus Waters)
Themes: The struggle with cancer, Love through hardship, Death of loved ones, A heartwarming love story.
John Green: His only movie is The Fault In Our Stars.

The Fault In Our Stars is about a sixteen year old girl name Hazel Grace Lancaster who has cancer. She was born on September 29th in Indiana. She has Thyroid Cancer that has spread to her lungs. Her mom believes that she is depressed because she does not leave the house and reads the same book over and over, so she sends her to a support group at a local church.
On her first day, Hazel meets a boy named Augustus Waters who is also sixteen. Augustus had Osteosarcoma, but he is now cancer-free after having his leg removed. Augustus drives Hazel home and they agree to read each other's favorite novels. Hazel reads “The Price Of Dawn” while Augustus reads “An Imperial Affliction”. Augustus gets irritated about how the book ends. Augustus emails the author, Peter Van Houten, to see what happens at the end of the book.
After a few days Peter ,the author, emails Augustus back, he explains how he did not write a sequel to his book. Augustus told Hazel the good news. Hazel in return went to email Peter about his book. Peter returned to Hazel’s email and invited Hazel and Augustus to Amsterdam (where he currently lives). Hazel could not go to see Peter due to the fact that she used her wish to go to Disneyland (every person with cancer has a wish from the genies). Augustus talked to the gennies and they said they would allow Hazel to go with Augustus to Amsterdam. Hazel needs to have at least a family member familiar with her condition. Her mom agreed she would go with Hazel to Amsterdam.
This book makes me feel lucky that I am perfectly healthy and that people with cancer are no different then people now days. This gives me a understanding on how cancer kids lives are and how they can be normal. Now I know to respect people with cancer better. My peers should also respect people with cancer and understand that they can be normal like us.

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