The Glass Castle by Jeanette Wall | Teen Ink

The Glass Castle by Jeanette Wall

July 23, 2014
By Jesusfreak1198 BRONZE, Greenwood, Indiana
Jesusfreak1198 BRONZE, Greenwood, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You never know how strong you are till staying strong is the only choice you have." ~unknown

While reading the book for a summer book club through my high school I found that this book was stellar. I found that I was able to connect with the author. The book is a memoir of the first part of her like otherwise known as her childhood. You are able to feel as if you are in the present time the book is dated to talking about. I was able to also consider all the things I never thought to have appreciation for. There is a lesson in the book that so many of us greedy humans need to apply to our own lives. So many people are caught up in their own thing. You learn to appreciate and enjoy the little things. I also learned that even if times are tough, families stick together and work through the struggle. Our world is so caught up in the process of divorce. Lastly, throughout the whole book it shows that with hope and determination, no matter where you come from, you can accomplish your dreams.

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