Twilight | Teen Ink


December 16, 2008
By Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer there are tales that should not be told, secrets unrivaled, mysteries never solved. This series captures the hearts of others, helping them become a reader.

Breaking Dawn is the last book of the series, Twilight is the first book. Breaking Dawn was twisted around, everything came unexpectedly. Bella and Edward married, but after that wonderful day things started to look like a roller coaster. As for the Cullen family there are new troubles to await, a new born vampire, a baby, Jacob imprinting, and the volterry. You've never seen a book with this much drama, enthusiasm, love, and action.

Before this book was released I was a typical girl that despised reading, it was tortcher to me. But the minute my parents got me the twilight series, i fell in love. It inspired me to become a reader, i just can't put the book down. I loved this series it's inspirational, lovable, and fun. Even if I put the book down, it's still in my mind, my dreams, my thoughts. One of my favorite parts in Breaking Dawn is when Bella becomes a vampire, how when she wakes up and realizes that she's one of them. And the reaction on Edward's face when she leaps out to hug him. As if it was a movie in my head. There is a movie about the book twilight, and its everything I hoped it would be. But as you've herd the books are always better than the movies. But the producers got Bella perfectly, clumsy, confused, oblivious Bella. Basically this book changed my life, and my actions I defiantly recommend this book to anyone. Sure it may be a lot of pages but its worth reading!


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