Romeo & Juleit by William Shakespeare | Teen Ink

Romeo & Juleit by William Shakespeare

July 18, 2014
By Anonymous

Once two people fall in love, they will do whatever it takes to be together. The story of Romeo and Juliet was a tragedy of two teenagers, who despite the fact their families were longtime rivals, fell in love and ended up dying for it. The main theme of this tragic play was forbidden love. Much like the story of Romeo and Juliet, I read a very similar news article in the New York Daily News, whose theme was also forbidden love. The article tells of a teenage girl, Maryam, who fell in love with Rana, but her father did not approve and threatened to send her back to Pakistan to keep the couple apart.

Another common theme was that Romeo and Juliet were never meant to be together. Romeo was a Montague and Juliet was a Capulet. These two families had an ancient grudge and had often fought. Romeo and Juliet knew that their marriage would not go over well with their families. Much like Romeo and Juliet, Maryam and Rana’s relationship was also forbidden. Maryam’s father, Javed Khalid said the boy was not suitable because he was poor and forbade his daughter to participate in a relationship with him. The father planned to send her back to Pakistan to prevent this romance from happening and he too fought with the boy’s family. Both relationships were forbidden by their parents and became violent.

These are both very young couples, but despite the ages, both couples were very much in love. Romeo asked Juliet to describe her love for him in words and she said,” My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.” By this she is saying their love is endless, and the more love she gives the more she receives. In Maryam’s run away letter to her father and police she expressed her love by saying, “I don't want to lose Rana because I love him.” Maryam loved Rana regardless of his social status.

Despite the parents’ wishes the couples rebelled and decided to stay together. Romeo and Juliet had a plan to run off and be together. Unfortunately, their plan failed. Both Romeo and Juliet committed suicide trying to stay together. Maryam and Rana got married and ran away. They are currently still in hiding.

Once two people fall in love they will do whatever it takes to stay together. In both cases, the parents thought they were trying to protect their children. This failed and both sets of parents ended up losing their children. The main theme of the play and article is love. It is a young, forbidden love that they will do anything for.


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