Matched by Alley Condie | Teen Ink

Matched by Alley Condie

May 16, 2014
By Anonymous

The book I read was called Matched by Alley Condie. The idea of this story was that in there society the officials decided what you get to do with your life. They get to pick who you marry and when you get to die which they think 80 years old is a good age. The main characters are Cassia Reyes, Xander Carrow, Ky Markham.
Cassia Reyes is a seventeen-year-old girl that lives in a society where the government controls the citizens. There is a process that is called matching where the authorities choose a girl/boy you’re going to be with. Her match was her best friend Xander Carrow everything was going great with the two of them until Cassia went home and viewed the micro card they gave her. When she views the micro card she sees a familiar face that pops up and its not Xander it’s a guy named Ky. Cassia is confused because she was matched with Xander and Ky is an aberration. An aberration means that person doesn’t get matched. During the summer Cassia starts to fall in love with Ky during the hike they took. She was being forced by one of the officials to try to forget that another guy was on the micro card but it was very difficult for her because she knows that someone else could be her match. The tension I thought was really high up because at this point I was like wow did she really just find that on the micro card
The main characters in the story were Cassia Reyes, Xander Carrow, Ky Markham, and the officials. The relationship between Cassia and Xander is that he was her best friend and now her match. Cassia goes to the match banquet hoping to find her match when she does go up on the stage Xander’s face pops up on the screen. Cassia and Ky are just people who know each other from school when she goes to her room to look at the micro card that they gave her to give her information about Xander a face pops up that looks like Ky. Cassia and the officials she gets taken by the arm outside and the official asks what she saw on the micro card then she took it and said there probably was a technical difficulty and that’s why she saw ky’s face.
My favorite part of the book was when Cassia went to the match banquet and found her match. Which her match was also her best friend and I thought that it was cute. It was written as suspense and series. the suspense was when she wanted to know if Ky was supposed to be her match. And this book is actually a series so there are more books. My recommendation would be age 12 and up because if you were younger it just wouldn’t make sense. If you are interested in suspense and love story’s then this book would be perfect for you.
This book was entertaining and amusing because you get to know who she picks Xander or Ky. It was just amusing to read my impression of this book was very good well written. I liked it a lot very great book.

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