Gone! by Michael Grant | Teen Ink

Gone! by Michael Grant

May 14, 2014
By Anonymous

The book Gone by Michael Grant is an action packed book where all people above the age of 15 “poofed.” Causing the kids to have to learn to take care of themselves, while bully’s tried to take over the town.The kids call this time the FAYZ. The only way to leave the FAYZ is to turn fifteen and “poof” out. But you can’t get into the FAYZ THAT easily there seems to be a sphere keeping the outside out and the inside in.
I would recommend this book to kids from the ages of ten and above, because it was a funny, boy book, while still having a whole love story so that the girls would like it too. I would compare the book to Divergent because they are both about kids fighting for what they think is right, trying to beat the bad people, before they take anymore innocent lives.
After you read the first page of the book you will then find that you simply can’t put the book down it is almost glued to your hands for the time it takes you to get to the ending. The moments you are reading the books will be one of the best moments in your reading life. The characters will be with you for the rest of your days that are spent free from the FAYZ.

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