The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

May 14, 2014
By kschwein11 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
kschwein11 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green is realistic fiction. I would recommend this book to girls or boys 13 and up, or grades 6 and up. I would recommend this book to anybody, but the word choice used in the book is different names of diseases and even I struggled to read them. Words really can’t be used to describe this book and what kind of emotions it made you feel, and to me, that’s when I think, “Hey they’re a pretty good author”. While reading this book I cried, I was happy, and I got a little angry at some of the characters. I think I felt these different emotions while reading this book because, the word choice was so sophisticated, and mature but at the same time it is funny and thought provoking.

The Fault In Our Stars opens with Hazel Grace Lancaster. She’s your average teenager except the fact that she has many cancers in her body, and lungs that work improperly. While Hazel was at a Support Group for kids with different types of cancer, she met Augustus Waters. Augustus Waters had osteosarcoma, but he is now cancer free after having his leg amputated. Gus and Hazel become friends, and eventually start dating. Somehow Augustus is able to get a hold of Hazel’s favorite author through email, and he invites them to Amsterdam. To make this possible Gus uses his “wish” from a foundation and decides to take Hazel to Amsterdam. While they are in Amsterdam Gus tells Hazel that his cancer has returned and spread everywhere.

If I were to rate this book out of 5 stars I would give it 5 out 5 stars. This book is really thought and emotion provoking and I guarantee that you will get a little sad when the book ends. To me there is nothing in this book that would cause me not to like it, and I can’t really say that about many books. When you read this book it kinda makes you think about life, and how we have to live it right because we only have 1. This book kept me wanting to know what was going to happen next, and how a character was going to react in a situation. This book left me on the edge of my seat, wanting more of it.

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