Insurgent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

May 14, 2014
By Bridget Lloyd BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Bridget Lloyd BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you are looking for an overwhelming book of excitement to follow the novel of Divergent, the dystopian novel Insurgent by Veronica Roth, is not the right book to read. Insurgent is a drag-on of Divergent. In this novel, the main focus is war and death. Every page has something about those depressing topics. Sure, there is love included too, but then blood, death, fighting, or something along that line overrides it.

Tris continues to be the main character of the book, but it is no longer about her life and her struggle within her faction, it is about the society as a whole, fighting in war. The book starts off continuing with war between the society and really, the war lasts throughout the whole book. As I read through this novel, the continuous sequence of death made it no longer an exciting event, therefore, I became bored throughout the rest of the book.

If you are a young reader, this novel will almost make it seem like death is allowed with all of the shooting and war that goes on which is a horrible message. I think that the author could not think of something else to write, so she added a large number of deaths, to try and make the book more exciting than it really was. The main point is, if you are wanting to read a book about depressing events like war, death, and guns, then read it. If you are looking for something like a continuous love story between Tris and Tobias...don’t.

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