Insurgent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

May 14, 2014
By abbyfavorito BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
abbyfavorito BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Insurgent, written by Veronica Roth, is a fantastic, action packed, romantic novel! Due to its creative and captivating writing style, I was able to feel all of the emotions the main character Tris felt, even when they were not directly stated. Mrs. Roth used very descriptive words that painted a picture of the scene at all times. Usually I am not a big fan of science fiction novels, and prefer to read a different genre, but Insurgent is one of the best books I have ever read!
Insurgent is about a girl named Tris Prior who is different from a lot of the people. She lives in a Dystopian society known as Chicago. In her society she is divergent, a person who is considered extremely dangerous due to their overworking mind. Her cities government system has just collapsed in a matter of days, due to a certain group attempting to overtake the government. Throughout the book Tris travels to the remains of each faction, a group of people with similar personalities and strengths, for different reasons. She is regularly accompanied by her boyfriend, Tobias (also referred to as Four). Due to her parents death in the previous book in the series, Tris feels like her life is worthless and begins taking unnecessary and deadly risks. This leads to multiple arguments between her and Tobias which threatens to destroy their relationship. Thankfully towards the end of the book their relationship becomes stable again and even stronger than before.
Insurgent is one of those books that as soon as you pick it up and read the first page, you know you're going to be hooked. It contains little bits of all genres, from action with battle scenes during the war to romance between Tris and Tobias. This variety just adds to why Insurgent suits all kinds of readers. Along with being an interesting book, Mrs. Roth is revealing a message through her writing. She is trying to inform the reader that no matter how hard things are, you can almost always got through them, even if it takes a little courage and hard work. She shows this repeatedly throughout the book, especially when Tris is battling depression. I recommend this book to both boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 17. There is a lot of violence and mild swearing throughout Insurgent which might be inappropriate for children younger than 12. Although, it might be too easy for anyone over the age of 17 because its vocabulary is not extremely advanced which might make the story less appealing and interesting. Insurgent is definitely a book worth reading.

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