13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson | Teen Ink

13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson

May 14, 2014
By addison easrer BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
addison easrer BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book 13 Little Blue Envelopes By Maureen Johnson is a chick-tion novel. It captures all the beautiful, yet horrible things in life. A seventeen year old girl named Ginny travels around the world, trying to figure out why her Aunt Peg ran away from her hometown, New York. This book was a little slow in the beginning, but ended out to be a great book.

This book is about a girl named Ginny. Her Aunt traveled all around Europe, she brought nothing, no money, Laptop, phone, music and no camera. Peg later died due to cancer… but left 13 envelopes that gave Ginny instructions to do exactly what she experienced. The envelopes told her where to go, who to see, and where to sleep. She also left Ginny plane tickets and some money in the envelope as well. Ginny ended up going to Rome, Venice, Denmark, London, Greece, Amsterdam and Paris. On this journey, she meets some of Aunt Peg’s friends and even some people of her own.

I thought this book was very different than the average book. This book showed me that even though someone may pass away or get sick… you can still care for them. This book would be five stars right off the bat. It showed many different aspects of the characters. I hope you get the time to read the book, because it will be worth it.

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