Twilight by Stephanie Meyer | Teen Ink

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

May 14, 2014
By Molly Glandt BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Molly Glandt BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Twilight Written by, Stephenie Meyer, a Fantasy, Romance, Drama. This book is good for the most part, but lacks a little bit when it comes to being realistic and kind of real. The book at times seems fake and unrealistic. At the same time there are moments when you want to know more and you are on the edge of your seat wanting to know more about the book and what will happen next. I feel that this book all in all is a good read and is very enjoyable.
The book twilight starts out as just any other regular book about a teenager moving. Bella is the main vocalpoint of this story and the story is taken from bella’s point of view as if bella were to be writing a book about her life at the time. Bella moves from Phoenix, Arizona to a small town in Washington State, called Forks. In Forks it rains all the time and the sun barely ever shows itself. Bella starts going to school in Forks, she makes a lot of friends, but one person really catches her eye. Edward Cullen. They go on an emotional roller coaster throughout the entire book, and their relationship becomes a real adventure.
The book Twilight really depends on what genre you like if you are into the real, romantic drama type this book is perfect for you. If you are into more adventure and action than it won’t be for you, but all in all if you are into the genre the book will be good. I would recommend this book for people anywhere from 12-13 to any Adult. Twilight is a book that really engulfs you once you get into the book. Once you read the book and you start to understand more and get into the book you start to feel there. At times you are like this would never happen other than the fact that there are vampires and werewolves you start to think that wouldn’t happen in simple little things. At other times you are on the edge of your seat wanting to know more. I would give this book about a 7 out of ten because it is every descriptive and for the most part has you on the edge of your seat and wanting to know more, but at the same times it seems kind of fake at times as well.

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