Flush by Carl Hiaasen | Teen Ink

Flush by Carl Hiaasen

May 14, 2014
By Anonymous

The book I read was called Flush and it was a very hard to get into. In the first fifty pages, of the book I would often find myself drifting off and not paying attention and just reading words and not the book. Once I got past the beginning and started getting farther in the book, I felt that the book was pretty good. The book is about how a boy named Noah who has a dad who is very erratic. He sunk a casino boat because he found out that the boat had been dumping sewage in the ocean. Noah’s dad goes to jail and his dad tells him to find a way to prove that the man who runs the casino boat is guilty.

The book has a lot of dialogue and I found it that at most times they would have random conversations over and over. The book I feel could have had more conversations talking about the main idea, rather than just having subjects talking about other things going on. The book I feel in the last one hundred pages were very hard to stop reading because it was very action packed and interesting. I also feel that at the end of the book, some things happened that I feel could not happen if this were in real life. If you think you are going to read this book, you need to make sure that you can get past the first part of the book so that you can get to the good part of the book.

The author's comments:
It is a book recommended for ages ten and up

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