Flush by Carl Hiaasen | Teen Ink

Flush by Carl Hiaasen

May 14, 2014
By Boiler5 BRONZE, Cincinatti, Ohio
Boiler5 BRONZE, Cincinatti, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book “Flush” by Carl Hiaasen was a fiction book that had me full of excitement the whole time. This book was about a boy named Noah who was trying to save his dad for sinking Dusty Mullhams boat. Paine(dad) was in jail for sinking the boat but he only sunk the boat because he thought that Dusty was dumping sewage water in the basin. Noah was working with Paine to make a plan to stop Dusty but then suddenly Paine changed and didn't care anymore. Noah would not give up so with his sister Abbey and his friend Shelly he came up with a plan and all they had to do was flush and flush some more.

The whole time I was reading I was on the edge of my seat because there was always a new problem needing to be solved. I was able to read this book all the way through therefore this book was really enjoyable. My thoughts on the book is that it was a great book because the author was able to create a problem but once it was solved there was another problem waiting to be solved.

I would recommend this book to teenagers and nothing older and nothing younger. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone younger because they wouldn't enjoy the book like a teenager would.

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