Angry Young Man by Chris Lynch | Teen Ink

Angry Young Man by Chris Lynch

May 9, 2014
By WonderFulWriter SILVER, Lebanon, Indiana
WonderFulWriter SILVER, Lebanon, Indiana
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Favorite Quote:
"My body will NOT be a tomb for animals."

Angry Young Man by Chris Lynch
this book popped out at me unexpectedly at the library and i decided to try it out. needless to say, i was a bit regretful of that decision.

Angry Young Man takes place in the life of a struggling family during hard times. Having a single alcoholic mother with much credit card debt and a hard headed brother named Robert; Xan takes refuge in life by beating on his own drum and being furious at the universe. Taking the harsh light of reality behind his yellow tinted glasses, he gets into trouble with the law trying to contribute to the family income and is ultimately steered down the wrong path in his crazy, vegetarian frenzied, soccer filled life.

This book was extremely realistic and being that was on a more personal level. No one got their silver linings and ended happily, they merely survived. Such as when the brothers discuss living life just the way it is, Xan interrupts with, “ why live in life if you don’t try to make the world just, a little better?” (p. 136) The book being realistic, it lacked suspense and a much needed climax.

Deriving from the quote above, the theme of this book is to make life worth living. The world contributes so much to us so we can squander away tirelessly, why not pay it back? Xan shows this many times by trying to murder the man who collects their debts and setting free animals at a clothing-processing place. The steps to better our environment should be as drastic as Xan’s, only just as spirited.

Angry Young Man is quirky, humorous, and comes with a great dose of reality. Recommended for those of a mature reading level.

The author's comments:
this book is perfect for all the crazy readers out there.


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