Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury | Teen Ink

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

May 8, 2014
By Anonymous

It may be a fictional story, but the similarities between this book and reality are closer than you think.
The book is about a man named Guy Montag, and his wife Mildred. In the book everyone is enticed by technology, and that is where the story begins.
Today in society have ever noticed how much technology has taken over. Everywhere you look people are choosing to play their phones rather than pay attention to their children, heck if they don’t have a phone the child does. There are Tv’s around every corner. Radios are blasting their music. Technology is everywhere, and that is what the book is addressing.
The theme of this book is stating that no matter how technology we have, no much internet activity we do, we are still not getting any closer to human interactivity. The theme can be described with the famous Einstein quote. “I Fear the Day That Technology Will Surpass Our Human Interaction.”
In the book people have these giant Tv’s called walls. It seems that everyone has one. In fact it is the main dilemma between Montag and Mildred. Mildred has three walls and watches them all day. Even when she invites her friends over the only reason she does it is so she can have someone to watch the Walls with. Montag doesn’t know what to do about this, but he does have a plan, but I won’t spoil the fun. This is a great example of how the book addresses the problem that people are choosing technology over people.
Beyond the theme the book has a great sense of storytelling that you only get by reading a Ray Bradbury book. Which is why I really like him a lot. He is a expert at Science fiction and a even bigger one at immersing the reader into a great fantasy world. Also this book is 60 years old. He pretty much predicted the future. Which is why he is one of my favorite authors.


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